Chocomel 750ml
Chocomel 750ml
Regular price
£2.69 GBP
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Sale price
£2.69 GBP
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Indulge in the luxurious blend of Chocomel 750ml, a chocolate lover's dream. This Dutch classic, famous for its creamy texture and rich flavour, is the ultimate chocolate milk experience. Made from high-quality cocoa, it's perfect for every occasion, whether it's a cosy evening treat or a refreshing summer sip. With a convenient 750ml size, it's ideal for sharing, or savouring solo. Chocomel is not just a drink, it's an indulgent escape, transporting you to a world of chocolatey bliss with every sip. Its distinct taste sets it apart, making it a must-try for all. Give your tastebuds a treat with Chocomel 750ml, the ultimate indulgence for chocolate aficionados.
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